Duplex Piano terra e primo Appartamento moderno in affitto Estensione West Golf Cairo Egitto


New Cairo City, Cairo Governorate 2,952 views gen 23, 2024

$ 2,580.6 / month Renting

CategoryRentingPartly furnishedFLATLETTINGApartmentSemi Furnished Real Estate PropertyResidencialAPARTMENT Ground floor Duplex two story, Ground floor and basement floorAPARTMENT Ground floor one level
Square400 m²
Number of bedrooms3
Number of bathrooms4
Number of floors2
Price$ 2,580.6 / month

Duplex Piano terra e primo Appartamento moderno in affitto Estensione West Golf Cairo Egitto




Washer Machine

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Central Heating

Quite Neighborhood Area

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