Apartamento moderno en casa villa alquiler katameya Dunes Compound New Cairo Egipto


New Cairo City KATAMEYA DUNES GOLF COMPOUND, Cairo Governorate 3,018 views ene. 23, 2024

$ 1,612.9 / day Renting

CategoryRentingFLATLETTINGApartmentModern Real EstateSemi Furnished Real Estate PropertyResidencial
Square300 m²
Number of bedrooms3
Number of bathrooms3
Number of floors1
Price$ 1,612.9 / day

Apartamento moderno en casa villa alquiler katameya Dunes Compound New Cairo Egipto


Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Laundry utility Room

Quite Neighborhood Area

Project's information
Katameya Dunes Golf westin Hotel New cairo Egypt
Katameya Dunes Golf westin Hotel New cairo Egypt
Katameya Dunes Golf westin Hotel New cairo Egypt

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