
Complesso del giardino reale Maadi Sarayat con 4 camere da letto completamente arredato


El Maadi, Cairo Governorate 10,858 views dic 29, 2023

$ 2,500 / month Renting

Last Updated dic 21, 2024
Property ID AMA114
CategoryResidential For RentCompoundRent Long Termfully-funishedRentingFLATLETTINGApartmentContemporary Real Estate stateModern Real EstateFully Furnished Real Estate PropertyResidencial
Square350 m²
Number of bedrooms4
Number of bathrooms4
Number of floors1
Price$ 2,500 / month

Complesso del giardino reale Maadi Sarayate con 4 camere da letto completamente arredato

Eccellente appartamento in affitto a Sarayat El Maadi Descrizione del cantiere Una posizione speciale a Sarayat El Maadi Appartamento completamente arredato, reception con pavimento in marmo, camere da letto pavimento in legno Maadi Royal Garden I vicino alla lavanderia della scuola francese, parcheggio sotterraneo, ripostiglio L'area è di circa 330 m 4 camere da letto, una padronale 3 bagni Tutte le camere sono con aria condizionata Piscina Prezzo 3500$



Swimming Pool


Garden Or Back-Yard

Security 24/7 Security 24/7

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Laundry utility Room

Residential licensed

Inside Compound

Building Elevator (s) Building Elevator (s)

Customer Emotion Benefits

Customer Economic Benefits

Customer Function Benefits

Quite Neighborhood Area

Project's information
The Maadi Royle I II III Garden Apartments Maadi Sarayate Hay el maadi Cairo Egypt
The Maadi Royle I II III Garden Apartments Maadi Sarayate Hay el maadi Cairo Egypt
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Maadi as sarayate maad Royle Garden cairo egypt

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