침실 2개, 욕실 2개 현대적인 가구가 구비된 아파트 임대 Madi Sarayate


El Maadi, Cairo Governorate 2,490 views 2월 28, 2024

$ 1,500 / month Renting

Last Updated 2월 28, 2024
CategoryApartment two 2 BedroomsRentingFLATLETTINGApartmentModern Real Estate
Square150 m²
Number of bedrooms2
Number of bathrooms2
Number of floors1
Price$ 1,500 / month

침실 2개 욕실 2개 현대적으로 가구가 갖춰진 아파트 임대 maadi Sarayate

Maadi Sarayat 지역의 임대용 수영장이 있는 놀라운 아파트 - 카이로

주요 장소

구성 : 침실 2개(마스터 2개) - 욕실 3개 - 주방 - 리셉션

공용 체육관

공유 풀

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Swimming Pool


Security 24/7 Security 24/7

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Inside Compound

Architecture Exterior style Modern Architecture Exterior style Modern

Customer Emotion Benefits

Customer Economic Benefits

Customer Function Benefits

Kitchen Appliances Kitchen Appliances


Washer Machine

Dish Washer

Dish Washer

Project's information
The Maadi Royle I II III Garden Apartments Maadi Sarayate Hay el maadi Cairo Egypt
The Maadi Royle I II III Garden Apartments Maadi Sarayate Hay el maadi Cairo Egypt
The Maadi Royle I Garden Apartments compoundThe Maadi Royle II Garden Apartments compoundThe Maadi Royle III Gard...

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