카타메야 하이츠(Katameya Heights)에 위치한 원형 바닥 아파트로 수영장과 임대용 전용 출입구가 있고 가구가 완비된 독특하고 매우 아름다운 아파트입니다.


New Cairo City KATAMEYA HEIGHTS GOLF COMPOUND, Cairo Governorate 2,922 views 2월 11, 2024

$ 3,000 / month Renting

Last Updated 2월 28, 2025
Property ID AMA16605
Categorykatameya HeightsCompoundfully-funishedRentingFLATLETTINGApartmentModern Real EstateGround Floor apartment one floorFully Furnished Real Estate PropertyResidencial
Square300 m²
Number of bedrooms2
Number of bathrooms2
Number of floors1
Price$ 3,000 / month

카타메야 하이츠(Katameya Heights)에 위치한 원형 바닥 아파트로 수영장과 임대용 전용 출입구가 있고 가구가 완비된 독특하고 매우 아름다운 아파트입니다.


Swimming Pool

Garden Or Back-Yard

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Architecture Interior style Classic

Architecture Exterior style Modern Architecture Exterior style Modern

Architecture Interior style Modern Architecture Interior style Modern

Customer Emotion Benefits

Customer Economic Benefits

Customer Function Benefits

Bicycle track


Washer Machine

Dish Washer

Dish Washer


Air Breath


furniture dinning Room Set

furniture sofa set

furniture Beds with comods

furniture Carpets

furniture Curtains'

furniture Lights Fixture

Project's information
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