卡塔梅亞高地豪華住宅區的獨特公寓,設有 2 個花園,家具齊全


New Cairo City KATAMEYA HEIGHTS GOLF COMPOUND, Cairo Governorate 2,944 views 3月 24, 2024

$ 3,200 / month Renting

Property ID AMA220174
Categorykatameya HeightsResidential For RentCompoundRent Long TermApartment three 3 BedroomsRentingFLATLETTINGApartmentModern Real EstateGround Floor apartment one floorFully Furnished Real Estate PropertyResidencial
Square250 m²
Number of bedrooms3
Number of bathrooms3
Number of floors1
Price$ 3,200 / month

位於卡塔梅亞高地的豪華住宅獨家公寓,設有 2 個花園,家具齊全。

- 3間臥室,每間臥室均配有設備齊全的浴室。
- 附浴室的多功能室。
- 美式廚房
- 寬敞的入口、接待處和客廳
- 飯廳
- 客用廁所
- 中央暖氣。
- 配備空調。
- 約250m
- 兩個視野極佳的大花園
- 別墅內有大型停車位,室外有充足的停車位。
- WiFi連接覆蓋所有地方和花園。
- 所有房間和對講機的內部呼叫開關。
- 牆壁採用純色中性色,門和廚房採用棕色木材。
- 花園硬質景觀和樓梯採用設計精美的埃及大理石。
- 進口照明覆蓋所有外部。
- 內部照明採用溫暖節能 LED。
- 花園內的按摩浴缸
- 現場搬運工尋求協助

4.2k$ 附家具(現在)




Security 24/7 Security 24/7

Air Conditioning Air Conditioning

Inside Compound

Club House

Quite Neighborhood Area

Architecture Exterior style Modern Architecture Exterior style Modern

Architecture Interior style Modern Architecture Interior style Modern

Customer Emotion Benefits

Customer Economic Benefits

Customer Function Benefits

Kitchen Appliances Kitchen Appliances

For long term rent for foreigners only

Gated Community

Project's information
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